
It is never late to move forward to your dreams!

My name is Leonardo Braga Batista and I was born in Brazil, but now I am a proud Canadian citizen.  I believe as an immigrate I can say my journey already starts with some challenges. It can be difficult because as an average immigrate you must work twice as hard as everyone. English can be hard! 😊 Thanks Shakespeare!  You may have all set up in your life back from where you came from but here you start from “Zero”! As soon as I landed, I looked for an opportunity to further educate myself to provide to my family a better future. I took a great program which allowed me to support my family, but things changed… The love of my life started to get really sick to the point that she can no longer work. Now, I am the sole breadwinner in our home, and I must provide not only for her but also our puppy Zoey. Then COVID-19 hit and made everything that was already hard, harder. While I was at my Mechatronics program, I realized the need to learn more about programming. Talking with one of my co-workers he told me that he was enrolled at TRU in the IT program, and it was online and self paced. I said that is it, I will study Computer Science and merge with my Mechatronics program! So easy, right? Yes, it is that easy but life doesn`t stop throwing curveballs. I had so many challenges throughout my path that if I try to write here it would be too long. Some would include my sister`s failed immigration attempt, homelessness, sickness, my mom getting sick back in Brazil and more.  But I did not give up and my God, family, advisors, student awards and financing, professors also did not give up on me. I had all the support I needed from everyone so I could keep moving forward! I finished my certificate and all the struggles paid off!  Soon, I will finish my diploma and keep work on my degree in computer science.  It is never late to move forward to your dreams!

Shared by: Leonardo Braga Batista

Image Alt Text: My wife, Zoey(dauther) and I.

Reuse License: CC BY NC Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial